Sunday, November 20, 2011


I have been home for two weeks and it has felt a bit like madness.  Time is a finite resource that I treasure and try to manage so carefully, and yet it often slips through my fingers before I can catch it.  One of my big “takeaways” from Thailand has been an overwhelming desire to be intentional with how I use my time.  Yesterday was the first full evening to myself in…9 days?  I’m an extrovert, but that is crazy.  This battle for my time, enough for the Lord, myself, others, how do I conquer this thing?  I kept trying to figure out, is this a lesson that the Lord is trying to teach me? Or is the enemy trying to harass and deceive me?  Of course brilliance eventually set in (let’s be honest, it wasn’t my own) and I realized that the answer is YES.  Yes, the Lord wants to teach me something.  And YES, the enemy is attempting to be all up in my business and steal the awesome things that God is doing in my life. 

And then of course more brilliance arrived from God, delivered by an amazing woman that pours wisdom and truth into my life on a regular basis.  When the enemy is digging away at us, we are actually being tempted!  Tempted to believe the lies that the enemy constantly throws at us…they don’t like you, you’ll never accomplish that, change will never come, you’re not growing, you’re too old/too young, too short/tall, whatever…insert negative lie here: ________________.  However, when you realize what you are struggling with is actually the enemy tempting you to buy into his propaganda, clarity sets in!  I don’t have to give into the temptation.  I can say…NO.

There is this amazing song on the radio right now that shares, “In the war of my mind I will make my stand, in the battle of the heart and the battle of the hand.”  I love this because it reminds me of where the battle really is, it’s in my mind.  The enemy wants me to believe lies…I can’t do it, things will never change, you’ll never accomplish that…the list of things we struggle with goes on and on.  But what’s amazing is that God gives us a way out from temptation.

No temptation has seized you except what is common to man.  And God is faithful; He will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear.  But when you are tempted, He will also provide a way out so that you can stand up under it. 
I Corinthians 10:13

We always seem to think that we are alone in our trials and struggles…we’re a bit internally focused sometimes most of/all the time (that’s politically correct for self-absorbed, the world is all about me…ugh).  Reality check – this is yet another lie from the enemy because he wants to isolate us and shut us up.  One of the best ways to battle against our struggles is to start talking about it!  I love playing this trick on the enemy, even though sometimes it’s TERRIFYING to be transparent, because it’s always the beginning of the end of my battle against him.  Share your heart with your confidants, those who love you and pray for you and encourage you.  Live in community.  Let them hold you accountable.  Check in with you.  Be available to you.  Did I mention, live in community.

“He will not let us be tempted beyond what you can bear.”  If you think that you truly cannot bear what is happening to you and that you cannot do it (a lie), think again.  We can do all things through Christ…if it feels impossible, it very well might be without Jesus at your side.  If you are at the end of yourself, God has not forgotten you (another lie); He is waiting for you to ask for His help.  Because “He will also provide a way out” - I cannot tell you the number of times I have prayed for a way out.  Of a frat party.  A bar.  An uncomfortable conversation…situation...temptation.  A relationship.  He is shows up every time, with His mercy and grace to protect and rescue us.

Since my conversation with previously mentioned wise woman just two days ago, I have encountered three people who were desperate to hear this same word of encouragement…note that I was sharing my struggle and being transparent, aka drinking my own Kool-Aid.  And that is what this word is to me, encouragement and a reminder that the battle is already won!  I just have to take authority.  Partner with the God of the universe who WARS over us and battles for our hearts because He loves us.  Yep, I think I can get on board with that…oh, and He gives us the Holy Spirit to help us?  BAM. I am all over this one, party people.  My God is righteous, merciful and all things justice.  No propaganda, just truth.

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