Saturday, October 15, 2011

Two Weeks & One Carry-On Suitcase

I  cannot begin to tell you what I have been busy doing getting ready for this trip.  Either I am a control freak, overly organized, or think way too much.  Thankfully I have shared my crazy to-do list with several girlfriends, my mom and my aunt and they all laughed and breathed huge sighs of relief that they are not alone.  So, to all you planners out there, this shout-out is for you, baby:

Go to REI 5 x - 1 for shorts, 2 to return shorts, 3 to buy crazy bug spray with Deet, 4 to buy awesome Eagle Creek compression packing bags, and a random nylon purse since I only have nice purses and I don't want to ruin any of them, and I need something to put my bug spray, sunscreen, shades and Kleenex into each day.  Tomorrow will be trip #5 to return the random nylon purse because I changed my mind.

Go to Target 3 x - 1 for misc toiletries and meds like Pepto, Immodum, Aleve, travel Kleenex, shower cap, sunscreen; 2 to get waterproof mascara and underwear, as I have decided that I don't want to take my normal undies because I only have cute undies, naturally, and I don't want to take the good stuff to Thailand.  3 to return the Hanes undies as upon trying them out I have confirmed that no one should wear Hanes undies...saggy, saggy gigantic butt syndrome ensues.  The view in the mirror was a little horrifying and I am really not exaggerating.  And no, the view had nothing to do with my cute tush, just bad design & excessive amounts of fabric and elastic.
Go to Nordstrom 4 x - 1 for Keen sandals during the Anniversary sale, 2 for fancy tinted sunscreen, 3 to hit the MAC counter for waterproof eyeliner 4 to return fancy tinted sunscreen as on trip #3 my MAC girl confirmed that the tint is far too...tinted for my fair skin.  FAB.
Go to Croc Store 1 x - To try on Crocs since I only have nice shoes and I need a second pair of shoes since wearing the same pair of shoes for 14 days straight might not be the best idea for my feet.  Determine that they do not have what I want nor my size. So then add a to-do list to order correct shoes online.
Go to Nike Employee Store 2 x - 1 to buy another pair of dry-fit capris as I have decided that these would be a good idea, but I only have 1 pair and a 2nd pair would be smart.  But store is too busy to try anything on, so I buy 2 pair different styles.  Tomorrow will be trip #2 to return the pair that I don't want.

Shop Online...
  • for sandals - check
  • One-piece swimsuit since you can't wear two pieces on church trips - check
  • for shorts since on a church mission trip you can't wear shorts above your knees, and of course my closest is not brimming with knee-length shorts and I can't find anything appropriate in late August.  Thankfully they were having a big sale & I found some perfect shorts - check
  • Return all of the shorts that I did not like from either because of size, style and or length (I basically ordered 2 sizes in everything that I thought might be an option as I had no idea on my size in their clothes) - check
  • for sporty purse because I did not like the random nylon purse I found at REI
  • Return 2 out of the 3 purses to because I only need 1 - check
  • Then return purse #3 to as an entirely separate shipment because on trip # 3 to Target I found a perfect, canvas, CHEAP purse that I won't care about..finally, because they didn't have any good options when I was there on trips 1 - 2.
  • - Order travel-size dry shampoo...only $3.50/can for my favorite brand, score!
This weekend's To-Do's
  1. Returns to REI (trip #5) and Nike Employee Store (trip #2).
  2. Drop off Mom's swimsuit to her house since I had the crazy idea that borrowing a suit from my beautiful and fashionable but obviously older than me, mom might be a good wasn't.
  3. Get a 2nd passport picture because I am supposed to have one.
  4. Do laundry...5 loads, why not?!
  5. Do an entire packing trial run as we have to pack for 2 WEEKS IN A CARRY-ON BAG and this is of course a challenge for the girl whose motto when packing has always been, "it's better to have and not need, than to need and not have."
  6. Clean my house as naturally I want it to be sparkling clean when I leave, rather than doing it while I am around to actually enjoy it.  Bizzare-o, I know.
This has been a bit exhausting....  But I know it will be worth it!  And I feel so blessed for the opportunity and the ability to go.  Two weeks unplugged, no cell phone, laptop, blow dryer or curling iron, or conference calls, agendas for meetings, notes to send out from meetings, etc.  Eighteen people, 1 house, 2 bathrooms = opportunity for personal growth and a lesson in creative hygiene.  Which makes me think, I should probably pack some baby wipes.  Awesome, that's trip #4 to Target.

1 comment:

Allie said...

I am right there with you, my friend! I somehow managed to only go to REI twice, but I've also been to Marshalls, Ross, Old Navy and Goodwill for clothes, and I've lost count of how many times I've been to Target and Fred Meyer.

And oh, the purse/day pack drama!

Step 1: Shop for nylon bags and drawstring backpacks online.

Step 2: Decide that I can't handle that and order a couple of outdoorsy canvas bags online instead.

Step 3: Decide that I can't abide those either.

Step 4: Run around to every online retailer plus Target and Fred Meyer (each twice) to find an inexpensive but non-ugly medium-sized crossbody bag. Come home empty handed every time.

Step 5: Give up and decide to take a large Target purse that's buried in my closet beneath all my Anthro and designer bags.

Step 6: Wander through Fred Meyer looking for a travel mirror and finally find a suitable purse.

But the best part is that, very soon, we're going to be there and we aren't going to care about our unflattering undergarments or cheap day packs or not-quite-right tinted sunscreen. All we're going to care about is loving on people and pouring ourselves out for them. It's going to be AWESOME.